Are Wix Websites Bad for SEO?

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Are Wix Websites Bad for SEO?

An important element of a website is the SEO results it brings, which is how often it appears on the first page of search engine results. Some website developers provide better SEO support and security than others, and its important to choose the right one for your website needs.

Wix websites are not good for SEO results because of the lack of customization and inaccurate advice. WordPress on the other hand is the best website developer for SEO on the market.

The following article is an in depth explanation of why Wix websites are not good for SEO. It also includes an explanation of why WordPress is the best choice for SEO.

Why Wix Sites Are Bad for SEO

The main reasons that Wix sites are bad for SEO is because you can’t customize your SEO to your needs and Wix doesn’t offer accurate SEO advice. This makes it very hard for your website to get on the first page of search engine results and direct traffic to your site.

No matter how well made a website is, the amount of traffic it gets depends fully on the SEO settings. SEO is what will clue the search engines into what your website is about, and present it to people that search those keywords. Since this is such a vital part of a website’s success, it must be done correctly.

A few things about SEO that Wix gets wrong include:

  • Accurate keyword information
  • What links are better for SEO
  • Having a custom logo will improve SEO results

Keywords are what people search for when looking for websites with that information. The more keywords you have on your website, the more likely it will appear on the search results page. Wix states that using meta keywords and as many keywords as possible is good for SEO, which is actually false. Google stopped looking at meta keywords about a decade ago, and Google will penalize websites for including as many keywords as possible.

Wix also states that certain links from other websites will help with SEO, such as links from Wikipedia. This is false as well, since certain links don’t automatically make a good website. Lastly, having a logo will not help with SEO results. It can help you differentiate your website from others, but it won’t affect whether you appear on the search results page or not.

Why WordPress Is The Best Choice For SEO

WordPress is the best choice for SEO on the market because of how much you can customize it. It lets you create the best circumstances for your website to get on the front page of search engine results.

A few of the SEO related things you can customize on WordPress include:

  • Your websites permalink
  • How you utilize images
  • Creating social media buttons

Permalinks are the links that appear in the search bar after you have clicked on a website. They often include a plethora of numbers and characters, and can usually look bulky and unprofessional. With WordPress, you can create your own permalink to look neat and professional. This can help with your search engine results page since the link is easier to type in and remember. The more your permalink stands out, the more traffic your website will get.

Images are a great way to break up sections of writing and add some visuals to your website. WordPress also lets you utilize images to improve your SEO results. WordPress does this by allowing you to create alternative text for the images that you want to use. You can then plug keywords for your site into this text that the search engines will pick up on. The results will then lead people to your website, increasing the amount of traffic you get.

Lastly, WordPress lets you easily create social media buttons to help increase traffic to your site. Social media is a significant part of marketing these days, and it can help you reach out to more people and form a wider audience. Furthermore, including social media buttons will allow people to share your content easily, and you’ll be able to form a large audience in a shorter amount of time. WordPress allows you to do this easily, and doing so will improve your SEO results.

Final Thoughts

WordPress is the best option for optimizing your SEO results for your website. It’s multiple customization options will allow you to create a unique and authentic website, that will also have positive SEO results.


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