The Importance of Website Ownership in 2017 

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The Importance of Website Ownership in 2017 

When you choose to work with a professional web development company, one important topic/question that might come up is, “who owns my website?”

This is such an important element of any contractual relationship between the client and company. Often times, many clients when looking for a website aren’t thinking a few years out, but usually just in the present. So most clients don’t ask the important questions that could be super helpful in the event you decide to go another direction in the future.

A few very important questions to go over should include:

  1. Who owns my website?Often times, we hear of companies who own your website files and either will not release them without the client paying a fee, or the company is using some type of proprietary software and will not release the website at all.

    This can become problematic for the client who decides they like their current website, but either want to host and maintain it on their own, or have another provider carry on with ongoing services needed.

  2. Who owns my domain name?Same theme as #1, as you should ask the company who owns the domain name. Most clients today have their domain name separately managed through their end, which is usually the best way to go. Some companies will manage the domain name for you and help you transfer it, should you want to move it somewhere else in the future. And then some, unfortunately, will put up a fight to release the domain name at all, in any direction.

  3. How about my graphic files?All of the artwork provided for your website and performed by the company will follow different guidelines for ownership, depending on the company you’re working with. Some will have no problem with you taking the files, as others may not allow it for free of charge.

    Here at Thrive, we don’t charge a release fee or have any policy for keeping your website files. In fact, we enforce the opposite by allowing clients to take their website and files anywhere they choose. Our copyright clause states that once we’ve been compensated for the work we’ve completed, our clients own 100% of the rights to their website and project. That’s just another reason why clients love working with Thrive!

Until Next Time,
Josh Olswanger

Thrive Web Designs – Your Boise Web Design Team


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