Boise Social Media

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Boise Social Media

We are living in such an exciting time for online marketing. With social media at an all-time high in popularity among both business owners and customers, the possibilities for online promotions are endless. It’s important to know how your customers prefer to receive these promotions as well as the best methods to use in order to benefit you and your business. Email is a simple way to send out company updates and promotions to your current clients. One way to send these is in the form of a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly newsletter. Though it’s considered illegal spamming to add others’ contact information on your own,  it is perfectly acceptable to send an email to your current clients with an invitation to join your mailing list. They must sign up on their own but once they do you will have full access to send them updates and information. You can also offer an email or newsletter sign-up on your website. E-Newsletters are an efficient and exciting way to feature your newest clients, give a few tips and tricks of the trade, and highlight any current coupons or specials you are offering, all in one easy-to-navigate email. Learn more about how Thrive Web Designs can help you with your mailing list needs.

Purchasing ad-space is also another option for online promotions. Google AdWords is probably one of the most popular methods of doing this but there are many others. You can also purchase an ad to be placed on a popular blog or online magazine in your industry. If your budget is tight, go ahead and see if you can offer a trade ad. Tell them you will feature them on your site if they will feature you on theirs. Designing your ad space is very important. Your ad should be visible and stand out at a glance without being obnoxious. Stay away from floating or pop-up ads as most Internet users will quickly close out before even viewing your information. Keep it simple yet eye-catching and be sure to give it a good solid couple months to see the results.

Social media seems to be taking over the online world lately. It is widely popular among all ages and demographics. This makes it a great way to advertise to not only your specific clientele but also anyone you typically would not be able to reach using other methods of online promotion. Facebook and Twitter are great for quick company updates or specials you are currently offering. They are also perfect for gaining more exposure and potential clients. Usually, you can link your social media accounts so that when you update one of them the rest are automatically updated, as well. You can visit Thrive’s Facebook page and our Twitter account to see how we use these methods of online promotion.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is definitely your best bet for gaining new exposure and customers. One of the very first things people do when they are looking for a new service or product is to hop online and head straight for the search bar. Most people don’t search past the second page of results before they have made up their mind so being toward the top of the list is ideal. Thrive Web Designs offers a basic SEO package with all new websites to get you up and running effectively. We also offer a more in-depth and continual premium SEO package to help increase your SEO rankings even further. View our SEO services to find out more. The Internet is such an effective tool to gain exposure among current and future customers. It’s all about knowing how and when to use each method and discovering how it benefits you and your company.

Until Next Time! Bonnie Olswanger Boise web design specialists, Thrive Web Designs


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