Meet Our Right-Hand Man – Aaron Day!

The Blog

Meet Our Right-Hand Man – Aaron Day!


For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a co-owner and lead programmer here at Thrive. I also dabble in design, marketing, and a have an uncompromising thirst for knowledge. And coffee, in the morning at least. I have a few college degrees, have worked at Microsoft and a few agencies. I love the work I do.

Now that I’m at the helm with Josh, we’ll be steering this agile Thrive ship in some new directions, taking on more challenging custom solutions. I enjoy the complex projects and peeling back the layers to bring the best solution to light. Sometimes that’s a bigger project and sometimes smaller but it’s a great experience either way. 

If you’re an existing Thrive client you know that we are always, always keeping our focus on terrific customer support and helping you succeed any way we can. The only difference is that now we offer more so, in turn, we can serve you better.

I’ve lived in Utah, northern Idaho, and Seattle but I fell in love with Boise and this is where I’m proud to raise my family. As such, I enjoy giving back and being part of the community. I’ve given lectures at Boise State and am the organizer for the Boise Graphic Design Group. We have a thriving design and technology culture here in the Treasure Valley and if you’re interested in design, programming, or marketing, I’d urge you to seek out and participate in one of these groups (Ok, stepping off my soapbox now).

In short, thank you for reading this post and getting to know me a little. I’m excited to be co-piloting Thrive and am excited for what tomorrow will bring. Strive to thrive!


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